SmartWin++ Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ApplicationClass declaration for the application class
ApplicationPlatform< SmartWinCE >Windows API
ApplicationPlatform< SmartWinDesktop >API
AspectActivateAspect class used by Widgets that can be activated
AspectBackgroundColorErase background property
AspectBorderAspect class used by Widgets that have borders which can have multiple styles
AspectCharAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of trapping "char events"
AspectClickableAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of being "clicked"
AspectEraseBackgroundBackground property
AspectFileFilterClass for adding a filter to e.g. a WidgetLoadFile dialog
AspectFocusAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of retrieving the focus
AspectFont"font" property of their objects
AspectKeyPressedAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of trapping "key pressed events"
AspectMouseClicksClicked" events
AspectPaintingAspect class used by Widgets that can be custom painted
AspectRawAspect class used by Widgets that can handle "raw" events
AspectRightClickableAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of being "Right Clicked"
AspectScrollableAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of scrolling
AspectSizable"size" property of their objects
AspectTextProperty of their objects
AspectThreadsNew thread of execution
AspectUpdateAspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of Updating their text property
AspectVisibleVisibility property
BitmapUpon destruction of this object
BoundedLongA long bounded by a minimum and maximum value
BrushClass for control of a brush lifetime
BufferedCanvasBuffered Canvas, useful for e.g. double buffering updates to a Widget
CanvasClass for painting objects and drawing in a windows
ChoiceStringA string that must be selected from one of a list of possible strings
ClipBoard< SmartUtil::tstring >Clipboard operations
ColorUtilitiesHelper class for manipulating colors
CommandUsed directly
CommandLineClass declaration for the CommandLine class
ConversionCodepageHelper for converting between different codepages
CriticalSectionClass to ensure serialized access to resources shared among several threads
CursorClass for manipulating the mouse cursor
DateTimeDate and Time class
DontInitializeDummy structure
FileStringA string that contains a filename, and thus can be specified with the file dialogs
FontClass for creating a Font object
FreeCanvasClass for painting on an already created canvas which we don't own ourself
FreeCommonDialogHelper class for instantiating "free" common dialogs
HdcModeSetterHelper class for setting and resetting the ROP2 mode
HeartBeatHeartBeat class
HttpRequestClass for making an HTTP request
HttpResponseClass ancapsulating an HTTP response
IconUpon destruction of this object
ImageListFreed upon destruction of this object
InDialogProvides a general purpose input modal dialog for numbers and strings
LibraryLoaderClass for helping loading of libraries or dlls
MenuColorInfoStruct for coloring different areas of WidgetMenuExtended
MenuItemDataContains extended information about extended menu item
MessageClass for helping abatract away System Messages
MessageMapThe "fallback" WndMsgProc handler
MessageMapControlThe "fallback" WndMsgProc handler
MessageMapPolicyDialogWidgetAspect classes for a MessageMapPolicyDialogWidget
MessageMapPolicyMDIChildWidgetAspect classes for a MDI Child Container Widget
MessageMapPolicyModalDialogWidgetAspect classes for a MessageMapPolicyModalDialogWidget
MessageMapPolicyNormalWidgetAspect classes for a normal Container Widget
MouseEventResultMouse Event structure
NewClonePolicy for null_pointer
NoSectionPolicy class for a WidgetStatusBar with no sections
null_pointerSmartPointer basically to give support for "null objects" without loosing RAII
ObjectClonePolicy for null_pointer
PaintCanvasClass for painting within a WM_PAINT message
PenClass for control of a pens lifetime
PlaceA class to position objects in a rectangular area
PointPOD structure for defining a point
RectangleData structure for defining a rectangle
SectionYou can add information
SeedCreational helper structure (deprecated)
SignalSlots which must be notified, kind of like an event
SlotLike an event handler
SoapRequestSoapRequest, encapsulates a SOAP request
SoapResponseEncapsualtes a SOAP response
SplitterCoolPaintAspect class for a WidgetSplitter
SplitterThinPaintAspect class for a WidgetSplitter
TcpTextStreamClass for encapsulating a Socket Stream
TcpTextStreamBufferClass encapsulating a streambuf which reads and writes across network boundaries
TextBox_iostreamAn iostream that outputs to a SmartWin++ text box and gets input from the keyboard
TextPenClass for control of the text color lifetime
ThreadThread class, encapsulates a thread, its properties and its functions
ThreadLockHelper class for aquiring a lock on a CriticalSection
TimeSpanA timespan helper class
TreeViewNodeOne "node" in the TreeView
UnicodeConverter< char, char >Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for NOT converting AT ALL
UnicodeConverter< char, wchar_t >Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for converting FROM "normal" char strings TO UNICODE string or wchar_t string (std::wstring)
UnicodeConverter< wchar_t, char >Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for converting FROM UNICODE or wchar_t TO char (std::string)
UnicodeConverter< wchar_t, wchar_t >Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for NOT converting AT ALL
UpdateCanvasClass for painting outside a WM_PAINT message
WidgetAbstract Base class for all Widgets
WidgetButtonButton Control class
WidgetButton::SeedSeed class
WidgetCheckBoxCheck Box Control class
WidgetCheckBox::SeedSeed class
WidgetChildWindow::SeedSeed class
WidgetChooseColorChooseColorDialog class
WidgetChooseColor::ColorParamsHelper class for WidgetChooseColor
WidgetChooseFolderChooseFolderDialog class
WidgetChooseFontChooseFontDialog class
WidgetComboBoxComboBox Control class
WidgetComboBox::SeedSeed class
WidgetCoolbarCoolbar Control class
WidgetCoolbar::SeedSeed class
WidgetCreatorHelper creational class
WidgetDataGridList View Control class
WidgetDataGrid::SeedSeed class
WidgetDateTimePickerDateTimePicker Control class
WidgetDateTimePicker::SeedSeed class
WidgetDialogDialog class
WidgetFactoryFactory class for creating Widgets from a derived custom class
WidgetFactoryPlatformImplementation< ContainerWidgetType, EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinCE >Class for WidgetFactoryCode which only exists in WinCE version of Windows API
WidgetFactoryPlatformImplementation< ContainerWidgetType, EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinDesktop >Class for WidgetFactoryCode which only exists in Desktop version of Windows API
WidgetFileCommonClass containing commonalities between WidgetLoadFile and WidgetSaveFile Widgets
WidgetGroupBoxButton Control class
WidgetGroupBox::SeedSeed class
WidgetLoadFileLoadFileDialog class
WidgetMDIChildMDI Child Control class
WidgetMDIChild::SeedSeed class
WidgetMDIParentMDI Parent Control class
WidgetMDIParent::SeedSeed class
WidgetMenuMenu class
WidgetMenu::SeedCreational info
WidgetMenuExtendedExtended Menu class
WidgetMenuExtended::SeedCreational info
WidgetMenuExtendedPlatformImplementation< EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinDesktop >Specialized functions in menu for desktop Windows API version
WidgetMenuPlatformImplementation< EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinCE >Specialized functions in menu for Windows CE Windows API version
WidgetMenuPlatformImplementation< EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinDesktop >Specialized functions in menu for desktop Windows API version
WidgetMessageBoxMessageBox class
WidgetModalDialogModal Dialog class
WidgetProgressBarProgressBar Control class
WidgetProgressBar::SeedSeed class
WidgetRadioButtonButton Control class
WidgetRadioButton::SeedSeed class
WidgetRichTextBoxRichEdit Control class
WidgetRichTextBox::SeedSeed class
WidgetSaveFileSaveFileDialog class
WidgetSizedEventResultWidget sized POD structure
WidgetSliderSlider Control class
WidgetSlider::SeedSeed class
WidgetSpinnerSpinner Control class
WidgetSpinner::SeedSeed class
WidgetSplitterWindow Splitter Control class
WidgetSplitter::SeedSeed class
WidgetStaticStatic Control class
WidgetStatic::SeedSeed class
WidgetStatusBarStatusBar class
WidgetStatusBar::SeedSeed class
WidgetTabSheetTab Sheet Control class
WidgetTabSheet::SeedSeed class
WidgetTextBoxText Box Control class
WidgetTextBox::SeedInfo for creation
WidgetToolbarToolbar Control class
WidgetToolbar::SeedSeed class
WidgetTreeViewTreeView class
WidgetTreeView::SeedSeed class
WidgetWindow"Window" class
WidgetWindow::SeedSeed class
WidgetWindowBaseMain Window class
WindowObjectClass for objects which windows can obtain
xCeptionException class used in SmartWin
xCeptionSmartUtilitiesException class for SmartUtil library
xCeptionSoapException class for SmartSOAP library
xCeptionSocketException class for SmartSOAP library
xCeptionXMLException class for SmartSOAP library
XmlAttributeEncapsulates an XML attribute
XmlDocumentEncapsulates an XML document
XmlNamespaceEncapsulates an XML namespace
XmlNodeEncapsulates an XML node in an XML document
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