Application | Class declaration for the application class |
ApplicationPlatform< SmartWinCE > | Windows API |
ApplicationPlatform< SmartWinDesktop > | API |
AspectActivate | Aspect class used by Widgets that can be activated |
AspectBackgroundColor | Erase background property |
AspectBorder | Aspect class used by Widgets that have borders which can have multiple styles |
AspectChar | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of trapping "char events" |
AspectClickable | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of being "clicked" |
AspectDblClickable | Clicked" |
AspectEnabled | Property |
AspectEraseBackground | Background property |
AspectFileFilter | Class for adding a filter to e.g. a WidgetLoadFile dialog |
AspectFocus | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of retrieving the focus |
AspectFont | "font" property of their objects |
AspectKeyPressed | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of trapping "key pressed events" |
AspectMouseClicks | Clicked" events |
AspectPainting | Aspect class used by Widgets that can be custom painted |
AspectRaw | Aspect class used by Widgets that can handle "raw" events |
AspectRightClickable | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of being "Right Clicked" |
AspectScrollable | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of scrolling |
AspectSelection | Item(s) |
AspectSizable | "size" property of their objects |
AspectText | Property of their objects |
AspectThreads | New thread of execution |
AspectUpdate | Aspect class used by Widgets that have the possibility of Updating their text property |
AspectVisible | Visibility property |
Bitmap | Upon destruction of this object |
BoundedLong | A long bounded by a minimum and maximum value |
Brush | Class for control of a brush lifetime |
BufferedCanvas | Buffered Canvas, useful for e.g. double buffering updates to a Widget |
Canvas | Class for painting objects and drawing in a windows |
ChoiceString | A string that must be selected from one of a list of possible strings |
ClipBoard< SmartUtil::tstring > | Clipboard operations |
ClipBoardBase | Class |
ColorUtilities | Helper class for manipulating colors |
Command | Used directly |
CommandLine | Class declaration for the CommandLine class |
ConversionCodepage | Helper for converting between different codepages |
CriticalSection | Class to ensure serialized access to resources shared among several threads |
Cursor | Class for manipulating the mouse cursor |
DateTime | Date and Time class |
DontInitialize | Dummy structure |
FileString | A string that contains a filename, and thus can be specified with the file dialogs |
Font | Class for creating a Font object |
FreeCanvas | Class for painting on an already created canvas which we don't own ourself |
FreeCommonDialog | Helper class for instantiating "free" common dialogs |
HdcModeSetter | Helper class for setting and resetting the ROP2 mode |
HeartBeat | HeartBeat class |
HttpRequest | Class for making an HTTP request |
HttpResponse | Class ancapsulating an HTTP response |
Icon | Upon destruction of this object |
ImageList | Freed upon destruction of this object |
InDialog | Provides a general purpose input modal dialog for numbers and strings |
LibraryLoader | Class for helping loading of libraries or dlls |
MenuColorInfo | Struct for coloring different areas of WidgetMenuExtended |
MenuItemData | Contains extended information about extended menu item |
Message | Class for helping abatract away System Messages |
MessageMap | The "fallback" WndMsgProc handler |
MessageMapControl | The "fallback" WndMsgProc handler |
MessageMapPolicyDialogWidget | Aspect classes for a MessageMapPolicyDialogWidget |
MessageMapPolicyMDIChildWidget | Aspect classes for a MDI Child Container Widget |
MessageMapPolicyModalDialogWidget | Aspect classes for a MessageMapPolicyModalDialogWidget |
MessageMapPolicyNormalWidget | Aspect classes for a normal Container Widget |
MouseEventResult | Mouse Event structure |
NewClone | Policy for null_pointer |
NoSection | Policy class for a WidgetStatusBar with no sections |
null_pointer | SmartPointer basically to give support for "null objects" without loosing RAII |
ObjectClone | Policy for null_pointer |
PaintCanvas | Class for painting within a WM_PAINT message |
PasswordString | |
Pen | Class for control of a pens lifetime |
Place | A class to position objects in a rectangular area |
Point | POD structure for defining a point |
Rectangle | Data structure for defining a rectangle |
Section | You can add information |
Seed | Creational helper structure (deprecated) |
Signal | Slots which must be notified, kind of like an event |
Slot | Like an event handler |
SoapRequest | SoapRequest, encapsulates a SOAP request |
SoapResponse | Encapsualtes a SOAP response |
SplitterCoolPaint | Aspect class for a WidgetSplitter |
SplitterThinPaint | Aspect class for a WidgetSplitter |
TcpTextStream | Class for encapsulating a Socket Stream |
TcpTextStreamBuffer | Class encapsulating a streambuf which reads and writes across network boundaries |
TextBox_iostream | An iostream that outputs to a SmartWin++ text box and gets input from the keyboard |
TextPen | Class for control of the text color lifetime |
Thread | Thread class, encapsulates a thread, its properties and its functions |
ThreadLock | Helper class for aquiring a lock on a CriticalSection |
TimeSpan | A timespan helper class |
TreeViewNode | One "node" in the TreeView |
UnicodeConverter< char, char > | Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for NOT converting AT ALL |
UnicodeConverter< char, wchar_t > | Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for converting FROM "normal" char strings TO UNICODE string or wchar_t string (std::wstring) |
UnicodeConverter< wchar_t, char > | Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for converting FROM UNICODE or wchar_t TO char (std::string) |
UnicodeConverter< wchar_t, wchar_t > | Specialized version of UnicodeConverter class for NOT converting AT ALL |
UpdateCanvas | Class for painting outside a WM_PAINT message |
Widget | Abstract Base class for all Widgets |
WidgetButton | Button Control class |
WidgetButton::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetCheckBox | Check Box Control class |
WidgetCheckBox::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetChildWindow::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetChooseColor | ChooseColorDialog class |
WidgetChooseColor::ColorParams | Helper class for WidgetChooseColor |
WidgetChooseFolder | ChooseFolderDialog class |
WidgetChooseFont | ChooseFontDialog class |
WidgetComboBox | ComboBox Control class |
WidgetComboBox::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetCoolbar | Coolbar Control class |
WidgetCoolbar::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetCreator | Helper creational class |
WidgetDataGrid | List View Control class |
WidgetDataGrid::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetDateTimePicker | DateTimePicker Control class |
WidgetDateTimePicker::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetDialog | Dialog class |
WidgetFactory | Factory class for creating Widgets from a derived custom class |
WidgetFactoryPlatformImplementation | |
WidgetFactoryPlatformImplementation< ContainerWidgetType, EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinCE > | Class for WidgetFactoryCode which only exists in WinCE version of Windows API |
WidgetFactoryPlatformImplementation< ContainerWidgetType, EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinDesktop > | Class for WidgetFactoryCode which only exists in Desktop version of Windows API |
WidgetFileCommon | Class containing commonalities between WidgetLoadFile and WidgetSaveFile Widgets |
WidgetGroupBox | Button Control class |
WidgetGroupBox::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetLoadFile | LoadFileDialog class |
WidgetMDIChild | MDI Child Control class |
WidgetMDIChild::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetMDIParent | MDI Parent Control class |
WidgetMDIParent::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetMenu | Menu class |
WidgetMenu::Seed | Creational info |
WidgetMenuExtended | Extended Menu class |
WidgetMenuExtended::Seed | Creational info |
WidgetMenuExtendedPlatformImplementation< EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinDesktop > | Specialized functions in menu for desktop Windows API version |
WidgetMenuPlatformImplementation< EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinCE > | Specialized functions in menu for Windows CE Windows API version |
WidgetMenuPlatformImplementation< EventHandlerClass, MessageMapPolicy, SmartWinDesktop > | Specialized functions in menu for desktop Windows API version |
WidgetMessageBox | MessageBox class |
WidgetModalDialog | Modal Dialog class |
WidgetProgressBar | ProgressBar Control class |
WidgetProgressBar::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetRadioButton | Button Control class |
WidgetRadioButton::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetRichTextBox | RichEdit Control class |
WidgetRichTextBox::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetSaveFile | SaveFileDialog class |
WidgetSizedEventResult | Widget sized POD structure |
WidgetSlider | Slider Control class |
WidgetSlider::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetSpinner | Spinner Control class |
WidgetSpinner::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetSplitter | Window Splitter Control class |
WidgetSplitter::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetStatic | Static Control class |
WidgetStatic::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetStatusBar | StatusBar class |
WidgetStatusBar::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetTabSheet | Tab Sheet Control class |
WidgetTabSheet::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetTextBox | Text Box Control class |
WidgetTextBox::Seed | Info for creation |
WidgetToolbar | Toolbar Control class |
WidgetToolbar::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetTreeView | TreeView class |
WidgetTreeView::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetWindow | "Window" class |
WidgetWindow::Seed | Seed class |
WidgetWindowBase | Main Window class |
WindowObject | Class for objects which windows can obtain |
xCeption | Exception class used in SmartWin |
xCeptionSmartUtilities | Exception class for SmartUtil library |
xCeptionSoap | Exception class for SmartSOAP library |
xCeptionSocket | Exception class for SmartSOAP library |
xCeptionXML | Exception class for SmartSOAP library |
XmlAttribute | Encapsulates an XML attribute |
XmlDocument | Encapsulates an XML document |
XmlNamespace | Encapsulates an XML namespace |
XmlNode | Encapsulates an XML node in an XML document |