Message Struct Reference

Class for helping abatract away System Messages. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Message (UINT msg, LPARAM extraCode)
 Normally used with e.g. WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY messages.
 Message (UINT msg)
 Constructor taking a System Message.

Public Attributes

 Contains the HANDLE to the window this message refers to.
 Contains the LPARAM argument from the Message.
 Contains the actual Message.
 Contains the WPARAM argument from the Message.

Detailed Description

Class for helping abatract away System Messages.

Class helps out abstract away System Messages, used in e.g. AspectRaw to let user be able to handle any type of generic Message!
To understand usage check out google or MSDN and look for Windows Message Procedure or WM_ etc...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Message ( UINT  msg  ) 

Constructor taking a System Message.

Use this one if you need to e.g. handle an AspectRaw::onRaw Event and the only interesting parameter to figure out what Message to handle is the actual Message.

Message ( UINT  msg,
LPARAM  extraCode 

Normally used with e.g. WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY messages.

In such cases WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY should be added as the msg and the notification code or command code should be added as the extraCode parameter.
Use this one if you need to e.g. handle an AspectRaw::onRaw Event and it's a WM_COMMAND, WM_NOTIFY or similar type of Message

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