BoundedLong Class Reference

A long bounded by a minimum and maximum value. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BoundedLong (long inVal, long inMinval=0, long inMaxval=0x7fffffff)
 Constructor that constrains itsVal as: itsMinval <= itsVal <= itsMaxval.

Detailed Description

A long bounded by a minimum and maximum value.

BoundedLong * can be passed to InDialog.add functions.
and then the user cannot input values outside the valid range.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BoundedLong ( long  inVal,
long  inMinval = 0,
long  inMaxval = 0x7fffffff 

Constructor that constrains itsVal as: itsMinval <= itsVal <= itsMaxval.

BoundedInteger( 12 ) forces input values to be positive.
BoundedInteger( 12, -2, 2 ) allows only -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2.

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