AspectEraseBackground Class Template Reference
[Aspect Classes]

background property More...

Inherited by WidgetGroupBox, WidgetWindowBase, WidgetWindowBase< EventHandlerClass, SmartWin::MessageMapPolicyDialogWidget >, WidgetWindowBase< EventHandlerClass, SmartWin::MessageMapPolicyModalDialogWidget >, and WidgetWindowBase< EventHandlerClass, unUsed >.

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Public Member Functions

void onEraseBackground (typename MessageMapType::itsVoidFunctionTakingCanvas eventHandler)
 Setting the event handler for the "erase background" event.

Detailed Description

template<class EventHandlerClass, class WidgetType, class MessageMapType>
class SmartWin::AspectEraseBackground< EventHandlerClass, WidgetType, MessageMapType >

background property

E.g. the WidgetWindow have a AspectEraseBackground Aspect to it therefore WidgetDataGrid realize the AspectEraseBackground through inheritance. When the Widget needs to erase its background this event will be called with a Canvas object which can be used for manipulating the colors etc the system uses to erase the background of the Widget with.

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