Seed Class Reference

Creational helper structure (deprecated). More...

Inherited by WidgetButton::Seed, WidgetCheckBox::Seed, WidgetComboBox::Seed, WidgetCoolbar::Seed, WidgetDataGrid::Seed, WidgetDateTimePicker::Seed, WidgetGroupBox::Seed, WidgetMDIChild::Seed, WidgetMDIParent::Seed, WidgetProgressBar::Seed, WidgetRadioButton::Seed, WidgetRichTextBox::Seed, WidgetSlider::Seed, WidgetSpinner::Seed, WidgetSplitter::Seed, WidgetStatic::Seed, WidgetStatusBar::Seed, WidgetTabSheet::Seed, WidgetTextBox::Seed, WidgetToolbar::Seed, WidgetTreeView::Seed, and WidgetWindow::Seed.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

template<class To>
void cloneInto (To &to) const
 Clones into e.g. a Seed object.
const SmartUtil::tstring & getClassName () const
 Return the class name.
 Seed ()
 Constructor initializing all member variables to default values.

Public Attributes

SmartUtil::tstring caption
 Initial caption.
DWORD exStyle
 The Extended Style of the object (starts often with WS_EX_ etc).
Rectangle location
 The initial position / size of the Widget.
DWORD style
 The style of the object (starts with WS_ or BS_ etc...).

Detailed Description

Creational helper structure (deprecated).

Most Widgets can override the creational parameters which sets the style and the initial position of the Widget, those Widgets will take an object of this type to their creational function(s).

Member Data Documentation

SmartUtil::tstring caption

Initial caption.

Windows with a title bar will use this string in the title bar. Controls with caption (e.g. static control, edit control) will use it in the control.
It is feed directly to CreateWindowEx, this means that it follows its conventions. In particular, the string "#num" has a special meaning.

DWORD style

The style of the object (starts with WS_ or BS_ etc...).

WARNING: The creation of most of the controls require WS_CHILD to be set. This is done, by default, in the appropriate controls. If you override the default style, then be sure that WS_CHILD is set (if needed).

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