Typedefs |
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::WidgetMenuExtended::boolDrawItemFunction (EventHandlerClass *, ObjectType, int, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an unsigned int returning void.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::boolFunctionTakingInt (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, int) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an int returning bool.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::boolFunctionTakingInt (EventHandlerClass *, int) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and one int returning bool.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::boolFunctionTakingTstring (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class and a const SmartUtil::tstring & returning bool.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::boolFunctionTakingTstring (EventHandlerClass *, const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a const SmartUtil::tstring & returning bool.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::boolFunctionTakingUnsigned (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, unsigned) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class pluss an unsigned int returning void.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::boolFunctionTakingVoid (EventHandlerClass *) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class returning bool.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::WidgetMenuExtended::boolMeasureItemFunction (EventHandlerClass *, ObjectType, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an unsigned int returning void.
typedef bool(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::boolValidationFunc (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, unsigned, unsigned, SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class, two unsigned int and a SmartUtil::tstring & returning bool.
typedef BrushPtr(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::brushFunctionTakingCanvas (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, Canvas &canvas) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class and a Canvas & returning BrushPtr.
typedef HRESULT(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::hresultFunctionTakingLparamWparam (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, LPARAM, WPARAM) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget, an LPARAM and a WPARAM returning HRESULT.
typedef HRESULT(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::hresultFunctionTakingLparamWparam (EventHandlerClass *, LPARAM, WPARAM) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, LPARAM and WPARAM returning HRESULT.
typedef int(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::intCallbackCompareFunc (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, LPARAM, LPARAM) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and two LPARAM returning int.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsBoolFunctionTakingInt (WidgetType *, int) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and an int returning bool.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsBoolFunctionTakingInt (int) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking one int returning bool.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsBoolFunctionTakingTstring (WidgetType *, const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a const SmartUtil::tstring & returning bool.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsBoolFunctionTakingTstring (const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking const SmartUtil::tstring & returning bool.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsBoolFunctionTakingUnsigned (WidgetType *, unsigned) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and unsigned and returning bool.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsBoolFunctionTakingVoid () |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking void returning bool.
typedef bool(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsBoolValidationFunc (WidgetType *, unsigned, unsigned, SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget, two unsigned int and SmartUtil::tstring & returning bool.
typedef BrushPtr(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsBrushFunctionTakingCanvas (WidgetType *, Canvas &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a Canvas & returning BrushPtr.
typedef HRESULT(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsHresultFunctionTakingLparamWparam (WidgetType *, LPARAM, WPARAM) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget, an LPARAM and a WPARAM returning HRESULT.
typedef HRESULT(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsHresultFunctionTakingLparamWparam (LPARAM, WPARAM) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking LPARAM and WPARAM returning HRESULT.
typedef int(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsIntLparamLparam (WidgetType *, LPARAM, LPARAM) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget, two LPARAM returning int.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidDrawItemFunction (WidgetType *, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a const DRAWITEMSTRUCT & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTaking2Bool (WidgetType *, bool, bool) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and two bool returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingBool (WidgetType *, bool) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a bool returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingBool (bool) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking one bool returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingCanvas (WidgetType *, Canvas &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a Canvas & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingCanvas (Canvas &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking Canvas & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingCommand (const CommandPtr &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking const CommandPtr & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingConstString (WidgetType *, const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingConstString (const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking one SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingInt (WidgetType *, int) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and an int returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingInt (int) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking one int returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingMouseEventResult (WidgetType *, const MouseEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a const MouseEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingMouseEventResult (const MouseEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking const MouseEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingPoint (WidgetType *, const Point &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and const Point & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingPoint (const Point &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking const Point & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingSeedPointer (const SmartWin::Seed &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking const CreationalStruct & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingString (WidgetType *, SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingString (SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking one SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingSystemTime (WidgetType *, const SYSTEMTIME &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a const SYSTEMTIME & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingUInt (WidgetType *, unsigned) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and an unsigned int returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingVoid (WidgetType *) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingVoid () |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking void returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidFunctionTakingWindowSizedEventResult (WidgetType *, const WidgetSizedEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and const WidgetSizedEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::itsVoidFunctionTakingWindowSizedEventResult (const WidgetSizedEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking const WidgetSizedEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidGetIconFunc (WidgetType *, LPARAM, unsigned, int &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget, an unsigned int and an int & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidGetItemFunc (WidgetType *, LPARAM, unsigned, unsigned, SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget, two unsigned int and SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidMeasureItemFunction (WidgetType *, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget and a MEASUREITEMSTRUCT * returning void.
typedef void(EventHandlerClass::*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::itsVoidUnsignedUnsignedBoolCanvasRectangle (WidgetType *, unsigned, unsigned, bool, Canvas &, const SmartWin::Rectangle &) |
| Typedef of a member function to the original class taking pointer to the this Widget, two unsigned int, a Canvas & and a const Rectangle & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::WidgetMenuExtended::menuExtendedVoidFunctionTakingUInt (EventHandlerClass *, ObjectType, unsigned) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an unsigned int returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::WidgetMenu::menuVoidFunctionTakingUInt (EventHandlerClass *, ObjectType, unsigned) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an unsigned int returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidDrawItemFunction (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class and a const DRAWITEMSTRUCT & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTaking2Bool (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, bool, bool) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and two bool returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTaking2Bool (EventHandlerClass *, bool, bool) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and two bool returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingBool (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, bool) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a bool returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingBool (EventHandlerClass *, bool) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and one bool returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingCanvas (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, Canvas &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class and a Canvas & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingCanvas (EventHandlerClass *, Canvas &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a Canvas & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingCommand (EventHandlerClass *, const CommandPtr &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a const CommandPtr & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingConstString (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingConstString (EventHandlerClass *, const SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and one SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingInt (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, int) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an int returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingInt (EventHandlerClass *, int) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and one int returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingMouseEventResult (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const MouseEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a const MouseEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingMouseEventResult (EventHandlerClass *, const MouseEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a const MouseEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingPoint (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const Point &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a const Point & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingPoint (EventHandlerClass *, const Point &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a const Point & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingSeedPointer (EventHandlerClass *, const SmartWin::Seed &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a const CreationalStruct & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingString (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingString (EventHandlerClass *, SmartUtil::tstring &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and one SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingSystemTime (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const SYSTEMTIME &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a const SYSTEMTIME & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingUInt (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, unsigned) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and an unsigned int returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingVoid (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingVoid (EventHandlerClass *) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidFunctionTakingWindowSizedEventResult (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, const WidgetSizedEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class and a const WidgetSizedEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMap::voidFunctionTakingWindowSizedEventResult (EventHandlerClass *, const WidgetSizedEventResult &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a const WidgetSizedEventResult & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidGetIconFunc (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, LPARAM, unsigned, int &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class, an LPARAM, an unsigned int and an int & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidGetItemFunc (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, LPARAM, unsigned, unsigned, int &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class, an LPARAM, two unsigned int and a SmartUtil::tstring & returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidMeasureItemFunction (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class and a pointer to the this Widget class and a MEASUREITEMSTRUCT * returning void.
typedef void(*) | SmartWin::MessageMapControl::voidUnsignedUnsignedBoolCanvasRectangle (EventHandlerClass *, WidgetType *, unsigned, unsigned, bool, Canvas &, const SmartWin::Rectangle &) |
| Typedef of a static/global function taking a pointer to the original class, a pointer to the this Widget class, two unsigned int, a bool, a Canvas & and a const Rectangle & returning void.