Global typedefs and functions


typedef UnicodeConverter<
char, TCHAR > 
typedef UnicodeConverter<
char, wchar_t > 
 Typdef for easy conversion from char to wchar_t strings.
typedef UnicodeConverter<
TCHAR, char > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
Bitmap > 
 Bitmap pointer.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
Brush > 
 Brush pointer.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
Command > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
Font > 
 Font OBJECT type.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
Icon > 
 Icon pointer.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
ImageList > 
 ImageList pointer.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<
MenuItemData > 
typedef UnicodeConverter<
wchar_t, char > 
typedef UnicodeConverter<
wchar_t, TCHAR > 
typedef UnicodeConverter<
TCHAR, wchar_t > 
typedef WidgetChooseColor<
FreeCommonDialog > 
 A Free WidgetChooseColor dialog is a dialog which isn't "owned" by another Widget.
typedef WidgetChooseFont<
FreeCommonDialog > 
 A Free WidgetChooseFont dialog is a dialog which isn't "owned" by another Widget.
typedef WidgetLoadFile< FreeCommonDialog > SmartWin::WidgetLoadFileFree
 A Free WidgetLoadFile dialog is a dialog which isn't "owned" by another Widget.
typedef WidgetMessageBox<
FreeCommonDialog > 
 A Free WidgetMessageBox dialog is a dialog which isn't "owned" by another Widget.
typedef WidgetSaveFile< FreeCommonDialog > SmartWin::WidgetSaveFileFree
 A Free WidgetSaveFile dialog is a dialog which isn't "owned" by another Widget.


FontPtr SmartWin::createFont (const SmartUtil::tstring &faceName, int height=10, int width=10, int weight=2, DWORD charSet=ANSI_CHARSET, bool italic=false, bool underline=false, bool strikeOut=false, int escapementOrientation=0, DWORD outputPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DWORD clipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DWORD quality=DEFAULT_QUALITY, DWORD pitchAndFamliy=FF_DONTCARE)
 Creates a Font and returns a pointer to it.
FontPtr SmartWin::createFont (PredefinedFontTypes fontType)
 Creates a Font from a StockId value and returns a pointer to it.
bool SmartWin::operator!= (const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
 Returns false if the two Points are equal.
Point SmartWin::operator+ (const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
 Adds two Points and returns the result.
Point & SmartWin::operator+= (Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
 Adds a Point to the left hand side point.
Point SmartWin::operator- (const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
 Subtracts two Points and returns the result.
Point & SmartWin::operator-= (Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
 Subtracts a Point to the left hand side point.
bool SmartWin::operator== (const Point &lhs, const Point &rhs)
 Returns true if the two Points are equal.


const Rectangle SmartWin::letTheSystemDecide
 "Default" Rectangle for window creation

Detailed Description

Global functions and typedefs or things in general not belonging to any particular class.

Typedef Documentation

typedef UnicodeConverter< char, TCHAR > Ascii2CurrentBuild

This is the more "safe" version of the typedefs if you wish to GUARANTEE that the OUTPUT is of the current "build version".
If UNICODE is defined you WILL get a conversion to a wchar_t string, if UNICODE is NOT defined you WILL NOT get a conversion at all. This and the Unicode2AsciiOrMaybeNot is the most "safe" ones if you wish to make UNICODE support transparent.

typedef UnicodeConverter< char, wchar_t > Ascii2Unicode

Typdef for easy conversion from char to wchar_t strings.

Be careful with using these ones since it is not generic, you shouldn't use this one unless you ALWAYS expect no matter what build you're in to get the "from" part in a char string and the to part in a wchar_t string.

typedef UnicodeConverter< TCHAR, char > AsciiGuaranteed

This is the more "safe" version of the typedefs if you wish to GUARANTEE that the OUTPUT is of the current "build version".
If UNICODE is defined you will NOT get any conversion at all, if UNICODE is NOT defined you WILL get a conversion to a char string.
This and the Ascii2UnicodeOrMaybeNot is the most "safe" ones if you wish to make UNICODE support transparent.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Bitmap > BitmapPtr

Bitmap pointer.

Use this typedef instead to ensure compatibility in future versions of SmartWin!!

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Brush > BrushPtr

Brush pointer.

Use this typedef instead to ensure compatibility in future versions of SmartWin!!

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Command > CommandPtr

Wraps up a Command to a Smart Pointer, help abstracts away the internals of the library!

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Font > FontPtr

Font OBJECT type.

Use this typedefed pointer to ensure compatibility in future versions of SmartWin++

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Icon > IconPtr

Icon pointer.

Use this typedef instead to ensure compatibility in future versions of SmartWin!!

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ImageList > ImageListPtr

ImageList pointer.

Use this typedef instead to ensure compatibility in future versions of SmartWin!!

typedef boost::shared_ptr< MenuItemData > MenuItemDataPtr

Helps easily create color values and so on for a WidgetMenuExtended item!
Each Menu Item can have different colors and so on, use this smart pointer to set those values!

typedef UnicodeConverter< wchar_t, char > Unicode2Ascii

Be careful with using these ones since it is not generic, you shouldn't use this one unless you ALWAYS expect no matter what build you're in to get the "from" part in a wchar_t string and the to part in a char string.

typedef UnicodeConverter< wchar_t, TCHAR > Unicode2CurrentBuild

This is the more "safe" version of the typedefs if you wish to GUARANTEE that the OUTPUT is of the current "build version".
If UNICODE is defined you will NOT get any conversion at all, if UNICODE is NOT defined you WILL get a conversion to a char string.
This and the Ascii2UnicodeOrMaybeNot is the most "safe" ones if you wish to make UNICODE support transparent.

typedef UnicodeConverter< TCHAR, wchar_t > UnicodeGuaranteed

This is the more "safe" version of the typedefs if you wish to GUARANTEE that the OUTPUT is of the current "build version".
If UNICODE is defined you WILL get a conversion to a wchar_t string, if UNICODE is NOT defined you WILL NOT get a conversion at all. This and the Unicode2AsciiOrMaybeNot is the most "safe" ones if you wish to make UNICODE support transparent.

Function Documentation

FontPtr createFont ( const SmartUtil::tstring &  faceName,
int  height = 10,
int  width = 10,
int  weight = 2,
bool  italic = false,
bool  underline = false,
bool  strikeOut = false,
int  escapementOrientation = 0,
DWORD  outputPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
DWORD  pitchAndFamliy = FF_DONTCARE 

Creates a Font and returns a pointer to it.

The returned object is of type boost::shared_ptr< Font >, but you should use the typedef FontPtr and not
the shared_ptr itself since this may change in future releases.

FontPtr createFont ( PredefinedFontTypes  fontType  ) 

Creates a Font from a StockId value and returns a pointer to it.

The returned object is of type boost::shared_ptr< Font >, but you should use the typedef FontPtr and not
the shared_ptr itself since this may change in future releases.

bool operator!= ( const Point &  lhs,
const Point &  rhs 

Returns false if the two Points are equal.

Operator != for checking for equality

Point operator+ ( const Point &  lhs,
const Point &  rhs 

Adds two Points and returns the result.

Basically just adds up the x and y coordinates of the two points and puts the result into a new Point and returns that Point

Point & operator+= ( Point &  lhs,
const Point &  rhs 

Adds a Point to the left hand side point.

Basically just adds up the x and y coordinates of the two points and puts the result into the left hand side Point

Point operator- ( const Point &  lhs,
const Point &  rhs 

Subtracts two Points and returns the result.

Basically just subtracts up the x and y coordinates of the two points and puts the result into a new Point and returns that Point

Point & operator-= ( Point &  lhs,
const Point &  rhs 

Subtracts a Point to the left hand side point.

Basically just subtracts the x and y coordinates of the two points and puts the result into the left hand side Point

bool operator== ( const Point &  lhs,
const Point &  rhs 

Returns true if the two Points are equal.

Operator == for checking for equality

Variable Documentation

const Rectangle letTheSystemDecide

"Default" Rectangle for window creation

The system selects the default position/size for the window.

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