Rectangle Member List

This is the complete list of members for Rectangle, including all inherited members.

bottom(double portion=0.5) const Rectangle
col(int column, int columns) const Rectangle
cropBottom(const int a_ToRemove) const Rectangle
cropLeft(const int a_ToRemove) const Rectangle
cropRight(const int a_ToRemove) const Rectangle
cropTop(const int a_ToRemove) const Rectangle
FromRECT(const ::RECT &)Rectangle [static]
getBottom(long y) const Rectangle
getLeft(long x) const Rectangle
getRight(long x) const Rectangle
getTop(long y) const Rectangle
left(double portion=0.5) const Rectangle
lowerRightAdjust(const Point &adjust) const Rectangle
lowRight() const Rectangle
Rectangle(const Point &pPos, const Point &pSize)Rectangle
Rectangle(const Point &pSize)Rectangle [explicit]
Rectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height)Rectangle
Rectangle(const Rectangle &rect, double xFraction, double yFraction, double widthFraction, double heightFraction)Rectangle
right(double portion=0.5) const Rectangle
row(int row, int rows) const Rectangle
shrink(double factor) const Rectangle
shrink(long xBorder, long yBorder) const Rectangle
shrink(long border) const Rectangle
shrinkHeight(long yBorder) const Rectangle
shrinkWidth(long xBorder) const Rectangle
subRect(double xFraction, double yFraction, double widthFraction, double heightFraction) const Rectangle
top(double portion=0.5) const Rectangle
upperLeftAdjust(const Point &adjust) const Rectangle

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