Hello World (small)

This is a program to show the basics of SmartWin++

// $Revision: 1.8 $
/* Copyright (c) 2005 - Thomas Hansen
 * Part of the SmartWin++ library example code
 * Permission to use under the same terms as the actual library
 * The license to the library can be found at http://smartwinlib.org
 * License for library is Open Source and BSD
#include "SmartWin.h"
using namespace SmartWin;

class HelloWinClass
                        : public WidgetFactory< WidgetWindow, HelloWinClass >
        WidgetMenuPtr itsMainMenu;
        WidgetButtonPtr itsButton;
        WidgetCheckBoxPtr itsCheckBox;

        void menuSayHello( WidgetMenuPtr menu, unsigned item )
                createMessageBox().show( _T( "Hello !" ), menu->getText( item ) );

        void menuClose( WidgetMenuPtr menu, unsigned item )

        void buttonClicked( WidgetButtonPtr button )
                if ( itsCheckBox->getChecked() )
                        createMessageBox().show( _T( "Hello World!" ), button->getText() );
                        createMessageBox().show( _T( "Hello !" ), button->getText() );

        void initAndCreate()
                setText( _T( "Hello SmartWin" ) ); // Title

                SmartWin::Rectangle desktop( getDesktopSize() );
                setBounds( desktop.top( 0.2 ).left( 0.3 ) );

                itsButton = createButton();
                itsButton->setText( _T( "Hello from a button" ) );
                itsButton->onClicked( & HelloWinClass::buttonClicked );
                itsButton->setBounds( sw::Rectangle( Point( 200, 30 ) ) );

                itsCheckBox = createCheckBox();
                itsCheckBox->setText( _T( "&Global" ) );
                itsCheckBox->setBounds( sw::Rectangle( Point( 200, 30 ) ) );

                // Creating main menu
                itsMainMenu = createMenu();
                WidgetMenuPtr file = itsMainMenu->appendPopup( _T( "&MenuCommands" ) );
                int m = 1;
                file->appendItem( m++, _T( "Hello from the menu" ), & HelloWinClass::menuSayHello );
                file->appendItem( m++, _T( "Close" ), & HelloWinClass::menuClose );

#ifndef WINCE
                itsMainMenu->attach( this );
                onSized( & HelloWinClass::isResized );

        void isResized( const WidgetSizedEventResult & sz )

        void layout()
                SmartWin::Place p;
                SmartWin::Rectangle r( getClientAreaSize() );
                p.setBoundsBorders( r, 4, 4 );

                itsCheckBox->setPositionPerPlace( p );
                itsButton->setPositionPerPlace( p );

int SmartWinMain( Application & app )
        HelloWinClass * testHello = new HelloWinClass;
        return app.run();

This program compiles into an executable of 155 KB without any extra DLLs needed. Here is a screen shot of two instances running:


The two message boxes either say "Hello !" or "Hello World !" depending on the Global checkbox. The layout logic puts the button either to the right or below the checkbox depending on the window shape.

Notice the way events are handled in SmartWin++: you specify a member function that executes when the event happens.

Notice also that the button and the checkbox's size are set once. But their runtime position depends on how the window is resized by the user. The resource editor was not used in this sample. although SmartWin++ can use the MSVC resource editor if you want to.

Here is a larger example There are 40 other source code samples.

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