SmartWin++ Guide
Configure VC 7 for SmartWin++
Put the SmartWin\include directory into Tools | Options | Projects | Directories
| Include
Put the SmartWin\lib directory into Tools | Options | Projects | Directories |
Creating a new SmartWin++ Project
Use File | New | Project | Visual C++ Projects, and then select the Win32 Project
template close to the bottom. Select a directory and then enter a
project name. In Application Settings, check "Empty project", and press Finish.
After you have added (and wrote !) a .cpp file, right click on the project for
Properties. Then set C/C++ | Language | Enable Run-Time Type Info to Yes
(/GR) for both Debug and Release.
Then set Linker | Input | Additional Dependencies to SmartWind.lib (Debug)
and SmartWind.lib (Release).
Now would be a good time to build the debug and release versions to check your
Compiler Errors
C1083: Cannot open include file: 'SmartWin.h': No such file or directory
Put the SmartWin directory into Tools | Options | Projects | Directories |
C2512:SmartWin::WidgetXXX<...> no appropriate default constructor
Perhaps you forgot the * in the declaration of WidgetXXX me; instead of
WidgetXXX *me;
Linker Errors
warning C4541: 'typeid' used on polymorphic type ... with /GR.
You forgot to specify to use runtime type information.
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall
SmartWin::Application::run .....
You forgot to add the SmartWin++ library when you created the project.
LNK1104: cannot open file 'SmartWinD.lib'
Put the SmartWin lib directory into Tools | Options | Projects | Directories |
Runtime Errors
Unhandled exception at 0x7c59bc3f in pivtest.exe: Microsoft C++ exception:
bad_cast @ 0x0012e82c.
One source: You have a widget under a tab, and you did not do a
"widg->setEventHandler( this );".
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