Go to http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html.
Download Dev-C++ 5.0 beta 9.2 ( (9.0 MB) with Mingw/GCC 3.4.2
Open the example hello project from \dev-c++\examples\hello just to check your
basic installation. Compile and run from the Execute menu.
Open the libsmartwin.dev project, and Execute | rebuild all.
A libsmartwin.a file will appear in the /lib subdirectory.
Open any .dev file (I tried Notepad) from the SmartWin++ unit tests projects.
Execute | compile and run . You should get the SmartWin++ Notepad running !
File | New | Project, select a Windows application, C++ Project, and name it. Choose a directory. Discard the boilerplate windows main.cpp, and write your own SmartWin++ program.
Right click on the project, Project Options, and choose Directories | Include Directories. Use the filesystem icon to insert the include directory that has SmartWin.h, then click on Add.
From Project Options, Parameters, use Add library or Object and select the libsmartwin.a. Enter "-lcomctl32" in the linker box on the next line.
Execute | Compile & Run should now build your program and run it.
(Or it may be easier to simply copy an existing .dev file, rename it, and textedit the differences for your new project.)
(No longer needed with the .dev files included with SmartWin++ 1.0 )
Tools | Compiler Options | Directories | C++ includes , and browse for the SmartWin++ directory.
(The little File icon to the right of the blank line.) Then click Add, and then OK.
Tools | Compiler Options | Directories | Libraries, and browse for the SmartWin++ directory plus \lib
Put ../../lib/libSmartWIn.a -lcomctl32 in the project Options, Parameters, Linker box.